General Info|ISPlasma2022/IC-PLANTS2022


Sponsored by

The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Co-sponsored by

Nagoya University
Nagoya Institute of Technology
The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research
The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth

Supported by

Aichi Industrial Research Association
Aichi Science & Technology Foundation
The Chemical Society of Japan
Chubu Region Institute for Social and Economic Research
The Electrochemical Society of Japan
The Forum for Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications
Gifu Industries' Association
Gifu Economic and Industrial Promotion Center
Gifu University
Greater Nagoya Initiative Center (GNIC)
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Japan Fine Ceramics Center
Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science
Mie University
Nagoya Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute
Nagoya Industries Promotion Corporation
National Institute of Natural Sceiences National Institute for Fusion Science
The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
The Surface Finishing Society of Japan
Toyohashi University of Technology

Corporate Sponsors

NGK Insulators, Ltd.
HyBridge Co.,Ltd.
AGC Inc.
Hitachi High-Tech Corporation
Fujikin Incorporated
Innovation Science Co.,Ltd.
Science Shokai

Contact us

ISPlasma2025 / IC-PLANTS2025 Secretariat
Inter Group Corp.
Orchid Building 8F, 2-38-2, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450-0002 JAPAN

Secretariat:Inter Group Corp. Phone:+81-52-581-3241 Fax:+81-52-581-5585
©ISPlasma 2025/IC-PLANTS2025. All Rights Reserved.