The ISPlasma Prize is the highest recognition awarded by the Organizing Committee of ISPlasma/IC-PLANTS for outstanding achievements in the field of Plasma Science and its Applications as well as great contribution towards the continued success of ISPlasma/IC-PLANTS.
The 2022 ISPlasma Prize was awarded to Professor Alexander Fridman from Drexel University.
During the four days of technical sessions, up to 6 researchers will be selected (by the Award Committee) to receive the Awards (Certificate and plate) based on their contributed oral presentations showing ability to conduct and present their contributions to the ISPlasma.
Awards were presented at the Awards ceremony on Mar. 10, 2022.
The Winners are as follows. Congratulations!
08pB07O 1118
Takeru Koike
"Highly Sensitive Electric Field Measurement via Electric-Field-Induced Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering in Visible Region"
Hitoshi Muneoka, Kazuo Terashima and Tsuyohito Ito
09pB07O 1093
Dae-Yeong Kim
"Mechanism Study on Plasma-Activated CO2 Hydrogenation over Pd2Ga/SiO2"
Shinya Furukawa and Tomohiro Nozaki
09pC14O 1139
Dogyun Hwangbo
"Motion Analysis of Arc Spots on Tungsten Fuzz by Means of Self-Avoiding Random Walk Model"
Daisuke Nishijima, Shin Kajita and Noriyasu Ohno
08aC04O 1061
Yasuyuki Kobayashi
“Plasma-Assisted MBE Grown h-BN Thin Films on Glass Substrates"
Naoki Hatakeyama, Takashi Azuhata, Hideki Nakazawa, Hiroshi Okamoto, Masanobu Hiroki and Kazuhide Kumakura
09pD14O 1074
Yoshitsune Ito
"Formation of Calcium Disilicide Films on Si(111) Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy"
Osamu Nakatsuka and Masashi Kurosawa
09aE06O 1149
Daiki Ito
"Evaluation of Selective Anti-Cancer Effect in Plasma-Activated Ringer's Lactate Solution Produced by Regulated Surrounding Atmosphere"
Naoyuki Iwata, Kenji Ishikawa, Hiroshi Hashizume, Kae Nakamura, Camelia Miron, Hiromasa Tanaka, Hiroaki Kajiyama, Shinya Toyokuni, Masaaki Mizuno and Masaru Hori
The Short Presentation (poster) Award recognizes short presentations characterized by excellence in research, clarity in presentation, and personal knowledge in a discussion with the judges Short Presentation ( poster) of the ISPlasma.
Awards were presented at the Awards ceremony on Mar. 10, 2022.
The Winners are as follows. Congratulations!
07P-29 1157
Tamiko Ohshima
"Al-Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films Deposition with Mixed Powder Targets by Sputtering"
Yusuke Hibino, Takeshi Ihara, Yoshihito Yagyu, Takahiko Satake, Hiroharu Kawasaki, Naho Itagaki, Kazunori Koga and Masaharu Shiratani
07P-31 1160
Ryosei Iwai
"Structural Analysis of Topmost Surface of a-C:H film by Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy"
Hiroyuki Kousaka, Takayuki Tokoroyama, Yuya Nakasima, Tatsuya Furuki and Noritsugu Umehara
08P-14 1036
Yuto Seki
"Radical Measurement of Ar/C4F8 Dual Frequency Capacitively-Coupled Plasma"
Haruhito Kato, Schuichi Kuboi, Haruka Suzuki and Hirotaka Toyoda
08P-38 1089
Daichi Suemoto
"Optical Wave Microphone Measurement of Sound Waves Generated from a Surface Discharge Driven by a High Voltage Pulse"
Yoshito Sonoda, Toshiyuki Nakamiya and Fumiaki Mitsugi
09P-16 1017
Akira Mase
"Effect of a Thin AlN Layer Inserted into the GaN Drift Layers on Reverse Breakdown Behavior for Fully Vertical GaN-on-Si Schottky Barrier Diodes"
Pradip Dalapati, Toshiharu Kubo, Makoto Miyoshi and Takashi Egawa
09P-25 2002
Kenichi Inoue
"Carbon Layer Formation on Boron Nitride via a Plasma in Hydroquinone Solution"
Noritaka Sakakibara, Taku Goto, Tsuyohito Ito, Yoshiki Shimizu, Kenji Ishikawa,
Masaru Hori and Kazuo Terashima
08P-63 1054
Hiroyuki Kato
"Enhanced Bioremediation of 4-Chlorophenol by Oxygen Radical Treatment Based on Non-Thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma"
Kiyota Sakai, Shou Ito, Naoyuki Iwata, Masafumi Ito, Masaru Hori, Motoyuki Shimizu and Masashi Kato
ISPlasma2021 / IC-PLANTS2021 Secretariat
Inter Group Corp.
Orchid Building 8F, 2-38-2, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, 450-0002 JAPAN
Secretariat:Inter Group Corp. Phone:+81-52-581-3241 Fax:+81-52-581-5585 E-mail:isplasma2021@intergroup.co.jp
©ISPlasma 2021/IC-PLANTS2021. All Rights Reserved.